Got Everything Covered

Publication moves a step closer!

After an admirable display of creativity, skill and patience (mainly with my frequent tweaking of the design), my brother - a man of many talents - has completed the cover for A Tour of the Indies.

Created around a photograph of the fabulous Lexi Cinema in London, it's a significant milestone in the life of the book: with the interior editing and formatting also completed, it brings the ebook and print versions a giant step closer to reality.

Depending how quickly Createspace send a proof copy, it could be a matter of weeks - but you can be among the first to know by signing up to receive updates from this blog. Simply enter your email address in the box provided.

Meanwhile, a couple of extracts from the book have been published in the excellent New Empress magazine. The most recent edition - their Adaptations issue - features the chapter about the Film Theatre in Stoke-on-Trent, and my words will feature in the next two issues as well.

Even if New Empress hadn't agreed to publish some of my work, I would still wholeheartedly recommend getting a copy delivered - it's an entertaining and informed independent voice compared to the hype machines that many mainstream magazines have become.