Few people get excited at the prospect of watching their twenties recede into memory. Most worry about the loss – however symbolic – of things like 'youth', 'freedom' and 'carefreeness'. They see their hopes, dreams and potential disappear over the horizon, careering all the while toward a middle age perceived as inescapably mundane.
Time Waits for No Writer
Summer can’t ever have lasted long enough for our hunter-gatherer ancestors - though I’m sure early humans were grateful not to have to alter their sun dials twice a year - but I wonder if their perception of time was similar to ours.
The Glamorous Writing Life
Assuming our only time off is weekends, 20+ holidays and the occasional public holiday, then we have to work all day and write when we get home throughout the year. In which case, is it better to have a dull job that doesn't challenge us or a job that requires us to use our creativity?
Hip to be Square(space)
Using Squarespace hasn't taught me anything in the basics of coding, but it has let me create a simple, uncluttered site that reflects my ideals. With the limited time that results from having a full time job, I've enjoyed using Squarespace as an intuitive, self-contained solution that has let me quickly refocus on writing.
Write on Time: a Blog Under Construction
TheWritingMan.com has gone live - which I guess means the blog has too! As befits a man who works in the construction industry, I'm still laying the foundations for what The Writing Mandate will become.
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
A hail shower came and went, as if simply teasing us into thoughts of turning back when it knew we would force ourselves forwards. Small accumulations of snow had found a way to grow between the rocks. Imperceptibly the scene changed and we trekked across the ice planet Hoth toward our goal.
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